HTML Menus

Use Offline HTML, Javascript and CSS to create an Menu, Web UI, Inventar system or more

UE: 4.27

DcxVehicle Plugin

Implementation of PhysX Vehicles for Unreal Engine 4. Developed from scratch without using UE4 vehicle system.

UE: 4.27


Create Thumbnails and Icons for your Games and Projects inside Unreal Engine.

UE: 4.27, 5.0
Neo Kinect

Gain easy access to the Kinect v2 capabilities in your games

UE: 5.0
Narrative Quest and Dialogue Editor

A Mission and Dialogue System made to be easy to use. Add a narrative component to your player and get started making quests and dialogues. Networked right out of the box.

UE: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2

LXR Light Detection

LXR is highly optimized plugin for detecting if actor is illuminated and how much and which color illuminance actor receives.

UE: 4.27


XFire - this plugin will add fire to your game, which gradually dies out, and fire can also cause damage. Multi-threaded since version 4.27!

UE: 5.0

NPC Eyes Sight System PRO

This system uses points on the actor's skeletal mesh to pinpoint the actor. For example, the entire character can be behind a wall but part of his hand will look out from around the corner, then the NPC Eyes System will find him.

UE: 4.27, 5.0

Blueprint Assist

Adds useful keyboard shortcuts related to Blueprint creation. Auto-format Blueprint nodes as you create them.

UE: 5.0, 5.1


XVision - this plugin will add improved perception system to your project.

UE: 5.0

TD Blueprint Library

A function library that allows faster development with Blueprints.

UE: 4.26, 4.27

CSW Auto save plugin V

Auto Save and Load Actors into a compressed file. Just add a component to any Actor you want to save! Easy save variables, AI state, Widgets, etc. in Level Streaming or across multiple Levels.

UE: 5.0

UIPF Unified Interactive Physical Foliage

UIPF delivers beautiful and efficient interactive foliage to any game.

UE: 5.0

BLE Utilities V

Bluetooth low energy for iOS+Android

UE: 4.26, 4.27, 5.0, 5.1

Ascent Combat Framework ACF v

Easily create your own high end Action RPG with little to no coding, Multiplayer supported.

UE: 5.1, 5.2

World Director NPC PRO Now with multiplayer

The World Director NPC - PRO plugin is ideal for creating games where there are many pawns in the world at the same time. You can simulate a whole world of thousands of pawns. You can create an entire populated city. Now with multiplayer.

UE: 5.0, 5.1

Texture Resize SC

Light weight and easy to use in editor resizing of texture files.

UE: 4.27


XSteam - plugin will add Steam functions to your project.

UE: 4.27

Advanced Vehicle System

System for quickly building multiplayer ready physics based vehicles

UE: 4.27, 5.0, 5.1

Fetch A Simple HTTP Client

A Simple HTTP client made for Blueprints. It also comes with integrations like Google Analytics & more.

UE: 4.27

Sparse Grid Plugin

A high-performance spatial sorting system. Allows for ultra-fast queries for objects without any reliance on the engines collision system.

UE: 4.27