Movement Animset Pro
A set of over 180 motion capture animations for unarmed TPP character.
UE: 4.26
Hammer Animation Set
A set of 49 animations for heavy two-handed weapons such as hammers and axes.
UE: 4.27
Farming And Mining Pack
A package containing animations and meshes for use in mining and farming.
UE: 4.27
Bossy Enemy Animation Pack
Ultra realistic combat animation pack for a slow boss enemy.
UE: 4.27, 5.0
TwinSword Animset Expansion
This is a set of 80 animations for TwinSword. Expansion Package.
UE: 4.26
Skydive and Parachute Kit
Skydiving and Parachuting animations with complete assets for seamless integration.
UE: 4.27
Platformer Animset
A set of over 200 motion capture animations for your Platformer Game Character.
UE: 4.26