Realistic Water VFX
Looking for Realistic Water Visual Effects for your Unreal Engine projects? Look no further! :)
Niagara Effects
This product was built using the following Beta feature in UE4. Epic does not support backward compatibility for assets, the API for this feature is subject to change, and we may remove functionality at our discretion.
Geometry Fireworks VFX Pack
the Geometry Fireworks VFX Pack, a collection of eye-catching geometric fireworks effects perfect for enhancing your projects and events. Our latest release includes 30+ Geometry Fireworks VFX Examples, 31+ Niagara Systems With 2+ Niagara Emitter and 1+ Niagara Module, 12+ Particle Materials, 8+ Effect Textures. You can customize all geometry fireworks VFX examples(geometry shape, effect movement, texture, color, timing, emissive, gradation, etc.), so we believe you can easily create new geometry fireworks effects.
Electric FX with Blueprint
Several types of Electric VFX with Blueprints. Tested in Mobile(Android)
Niagara Media Visualizers
Experiments with visualization of media files .mp4 with use Niagara. To work with your own files, you need to add them to the project and assign them to the BP_Mediavisualizer variable. Each example also has a synchronized media player in the actor and a media texture in the Niagara system.
Rocket VFX
This pack contains a set of effects, vertex animations and examples of setup in sequencer to make your own launch/landing of rocket/reusable spacecraft.
Nature VFX with Vine Growth
Customizable Several Type of Nature VFX. ( Vine Attack, Vine Growth, Vine Barrior, Wood Hide, Area Buff, Heal Beam, Projectile, Grenade, Explosions, Rune Particle )
Explosions Niagara
This product was built using the following Beta feature in UE4. Epic does not support backward compatibility for assets, the API for this feature is subject to change, and we may remove functionality at our discretion.
Star VFX Pack
This pack contains customizable star visual effect sets using Niagara Effects and Dynamic Materials. Our latest release includes 28+ Customizable Star Visual Effect Sets with 28+ Niagara Systems and 3+ Niagara Emitters, 45+ Effect Materials, 22+ Effect Textures, 17+ Star Effect Models and 1+ Pedestal Set. All star visual effects are customizable( Texture, Color, Emissive, Particle, Scale, Material, Static Mesh, etc.), so with this pack, you can easily create new star visual effect sets.
Audio Reactive FX
AudioReactiveFX provides a set of audio reactive Niagara particle effects plus a few other Niagara systems that do not react to audio and can be used as filler patterns in a scene. The asset pack was designed to be used for live music events or rendered music videos. The effects can be used out of the box but if you start playing around with it, you will discover sheer endless possibilities. A blueprint to enable audio capture in a map is also included for ease of use.
Portal VFX Pack
Portal VFX Pack is portal-related visual effects and materials. Our latest release includes 23+ Portal VFX examples, 71+ Portal Effect Materials and Material Instance, 23+ Portal Particles, 4+ Sci-Fi Level Design Modules, 1+ Portal Model Set and 1+ Space Skybox. With this pack, we believe you can easily customize new materials and material instances set.
Kick Up FX
This demo video and the product screenshots uses the 'Vehicle Offroad Template' for demo purposes, it is not included in this pack
FluidNinja LIVE
Fast, responsive Fluid Simulation for Character and Environment VFX: sea, rivers, clouds, smoke, fire, sand, snow and foliage. Drive all dynamic systems with fluidsim.