Robot Vacuum Cleaner

[Product from Ukraine] Working Robot Vacuum Cleaner with IR and Height sensors. Robot can move around room on its own

UE: 4.27

Card Puzzle Template for PC and Mobile

Complete template for a Card Puzzle game! Ready for deploy on any platform.

UE: 4.25

Character Attribute System

Create stats/attributes that scale with level. Ideal for your next project with RPG elements. Compatible with the Spell/Ability System!

UE: 4.26
FPS Starter Pack

The FPS starter pack was created to have the basis of a shooting game with its main mechanics.

UE: 4.26
Planetarium Planet Blueprint

Planetarium Planet Blueprint for earth like Planets along with a space sphere.

UE: 4.26

Side Scroller Shooter Kit

Side scroller shooter kit serves as a base for side scroller game. It's a 100% blueprint project, with documentation and notes inside blueprints. It contains advanced mechanics like cover system and robust AI.

UE: 4.26, 5.1

CharGen Enemy Soldiers Pack

Chargen & Terrorists AAA models Pack - Use modular character generator plugin to create tons of characters!

UE: 4.27

The Art of Combat

The Art of Combat is designed entirely in blueprints as a plug and play solution for combat designers.

UE: 4.25


Fully Featured Vehicle Game

UE: 4.26


Procedural dynamic Automatic Landscape Material Set 1 Alpine edition

UE: 4.26

Projectiles Pack

This package contains 20 projectiles, from rockets to orbital lasers. You can easily customize projectiles, change their payloads and make your own projectiles, based on them.

UE: 4.26, 5.1

Hoverboard System

Need a Hoverboard for your game? Then this package will give you just that

UE: 4.26

Advanced Tuning Cars

*NOTE:* Requires Substance Plug-in AdvancedTuningCars - Full system changes

UE: 4.26

First Person Horror Template

A feature complete template for first-person horror games. 100% blueprint containing features such as a note system, interactable physics, footsteps, player health and stamina regeneration, flashlight mechanics, and more!

UE: 4.26

Procedural Building Lot

Automatically generate an entire row of building using a style-based system with heavily customization parameters. Facades and buildings uses randomized pattern from a database or patterns which you add/edit.

UE: 4.26


Crypto is a custom sports car with character interaction that you can use it in your projects.

UE: 4.26

Tornado Blueprint

A tornado blueprint that interacts with physics objects, skeletal and destructible meshes in your scene.

UE: 4.26

TPS Character System

Powerful weapon system, various character movements abilities, cover system and third person player camera.

UE: 4.26

Customizable Deadly Traps

This pack contains multiple trap meshes and a complete Blueprint framework which makes them 100% drag and drop, ready to use in your games. From Spike traps, to Guillotines, this pack has it all!

UE: 4.26

Physics Collision Sound

A quick and easy way to add impact, sliding, rolling and water impact/tree impact sounds to objects. On different materials it plays different sounds, on Obejects with multiple materials and on Landscapes. Works with a simple drag and drop system

UE: 4.26

Drivable Vehicle Snowmobile

Driveable Snowmobile four skins, to choose from

UE: 4.27