Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints
Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints Side Scroller Shooter Kit | Blueprints


Demo level gameplay:

Features level:

Example campaign:

Changing character mesh tutorial:

Zombie AI tutorial:

DENT (destructable system) integration demo: Link

Add new level tutorial: Link

Discord: Link

Side scroller shooter kit serves as a base for side scroller game. It's a 100% blueprint project, with documentation and notes inside blueprints. It contains advanced mechanics like cover system and robust AI.

Other packages: Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1

Major features:

• cover system for player and AI

• human AI

• quick time events system

• ladder and ledge climbing

• stealth kill

• melee attacks for player and AI

• depth aiming

• pathnode animation system for AI

• UI (health, ammo, type of weapon)

• main menu - (select level, persistent options)

Technical Details


Forum Thread

Other features:


• Movement

• Crouching

• Sprinting

• Jumping

• Slide

• Vault for player and AI

• Side kick attack for player and AI

Gameplay and others:

- Orienting character based on mouse position

- 3D crosshair

- 2D aiming adjustable on mouse movement

- Shooting

- Guns - assault rifle, pistol, shotgun, silenced pistol

- Weapons change

- Turret

- Objects reacting to certain type of weapon

- Simple checkpoint system

- Launchpad

- Pickable items - (health, ammo)

- Elevator

- Pathnode animation system for human AI

- Gamepad support for gameplay

- Save game framework

- Pause menu

- Laser sight

- Dynamic camera system

- Flying bot enemy

- Spawn drop component

- Loot objects

- Player noise system

- Exploding barrel

- Button panel with IK targeting

- Physical material which make noise and alert enemies

- Enemies are able to alarm each other

- Destroyable cover points and vault for AI

- Shield for enemies with autoregenerated health

- Surveillance camera

- Dynamic input change

Some sounds might come from
