AG Racing Kit

Anti Gravity Racing Kit

UE: 4.26

Puzzle Game Template

The basic set of functions for creating your own puzzle, includes portals, interactive objects and their management.

UE: 4.25


A powerful tool to create gravitational lensing effect and build portals from one point to another of the level.

UE: 4.26
Vehicle Traffic System

Vehicle Traffic System

UE: 4.26, 4.27
Ultimate Touch Components

This is highly customizable, easy to use touch components for mobile and PC devices with touch screen. You can easily add tap, swipe, drag to look, drag to move, pinch to zoom, pan and rotate gestures or virtual joysticks with UMG skins to your game.

UE: 4.27, 5.0

Truck Trailer Attach Detach System

Truck and 2 trailers with mirrors, a light system, driving system, and the ability to attach and detach trailer from the truck.

UE: 4.26

Train Rail Roller Coaster System

Highly customizable system to build trains, roller coasters or anything that runs on a track. Parent carriages to form trains, derail them on sharp bends or disable realistic features to create stylized effects. 100% Blueprint and easy to extend.

UE: 4.25

Texture Resizer Tool

A Blueprint Utility meant to resize Textures directly in the Editor to any resolution power of two (from 2 to 4096, with support for different Aspect Ratios)

UE: 4.27

Teleportation and Portal

Automatic Teleportation and Portal. Works perfectly in Multiplayer with sound effects and materialization.

UE: 4.27, 5.1

Superior RPG Kit

Superior RPG Kit is a template consisting of essential features necessary to build your own single or multiplayer RPG.

UE: 4.25

SHADERSOURCE Fluid Interaction Tool

Easy to use per-bone fluid propagation tool

UE: 4.27

RPMSF Multiplayer Shooter Framework

This multiplayer shooter template includes everything you need to create your own multiplayer shooter game prototype as quickly as possible.

UE: 4.21

Retro FPS Kit

A FPS Kit to help you make retro FPS games. Made With 100% Blueprints Has multiple weapons, enemies and game items

UE: 4.26

Quiz Game Starter Kit

100% Blueprint, Quiz game template. Inspired by the TV show "Millionaire"

UE: 4.26

Quest System

A tag driven quest system with Customizable Indicators, Objectives, State Driven Events, Prerequisites, and Rewards Systems. Includes Save System, and Cross Level Support.

UE: 4.25, 5.1

Puzzle System Kit

A set of various puzzles with triggering system.

UE: 4.26, 5.0

Procedural Ivy Generator

Procedural Ivy generator made entirely in construction script

UE: 4.26

Point Clouds Morphing

Morphing visual effect. One of most impressive FX every time!

UE: 4.26

Lightning Fast

Realistic lightning flashes/bolts/strikes/discharges/beams and everything about electricity in one compact

UE: 4.26, 4.27

Hover Car System

fancy and easy to use hover vehicle system.

UE: 4.26

Generic Radial Menus v2

Quickly and easily add a radial menu (also called pie, wheel, circle menus as well) to your games!

UE: 4.27