Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects
Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects Energy Ball VFX Pack | Visual Effects

This pack contains customizable energy ball visual effects using Niagara. Our latest release includes 25+ Energy Ball Niagara Systems with 1+ Niagara Modules and 9+ Niagara Emitters, 31+ Effect Textures, 51+ Effect Materials, 17+ Effect Static Mesh and 1+ Pedestal Set. All energy ball visual effects are customizable( Texture, Color, Emissive, Timing, Shape, Scale, Material, Static Mesh, etc.), so with this pack, you can easily create new energy ball effects.

Technical Details


  • 25+ Energy Ball Niagara Systems
  • 1+ Niagara Modules and 9+ Niagara Emitters
  • 31+ Effect Texture
  • 51+ Effect Materials
  • 17+ Effect Static Mesh
  • 1+ Pedestal Set

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of Images and Textures: 34

Number of Materials and Instances: 52

Number of Niagara Systems: 25

Number of Niagara Modules: 1

Number of Niagara Emitters: 9

Number of Static Meshes: 18

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

LODs: No

Texture Resolutions: (256, 512, 1024, 2048, 5689, 8192)

Vertex Count: 32 ~ 3498

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows