Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects
Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects Footstep and Foley Sounds | Sound Effects

Footstep & Foley Sounds contains 511 high quality professionally recorded footstep sounds. Surfaces included: concrete, dirt, grass, gravel, metal, mud, water, wood, ice and snow. Plus 141 Foley sounds covering a variety of character movement sounds. A perfect addition to add realism to your footstep sounds.

Listen to the audio preview > HERE

View the full sound list > HERE

This pack also includes a variety of 160 bonus sounds effects from our full sound package Pro Sound Collection. ALL sounds from Footstep & Foley Sounds are included Pro Sound Collection so if you need more sounds be sure to check it out before purchase.

Technical Details

Number of Audio tracks: 511 footstep sounds / 141 Foley / 160 bonus sounds

Number of Audio Cues: 511 footstep sounds / 141 Foley / 160 bonus sounds

How many sound FX: 511 footstep sounds / 141 Foley / 160 bonus sounds

How many minutes of audio provided: 12:10

File format: Unreal Engine (.uasset)