These props were baked from hi-poly models and textured in Substance Painter.
All props come with 4k textures.
All props come with a Material Instance that allows control over roughness, metalness, ambient occlusion and normal map strength.
The Material Instances also have an option for tiling detail normal maps.
Technical Details
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Collision: Custom
Number of Meshes: 40
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 31
Number of Textures: 97
Intended Platform: Xbox, Playstation, Linux, Windows, etc.
Platforms Tested: Windows
Documentation Included: No
Mesh Names and Triangle Counts:
SM_Barrel_Metal_Tint_01 - Triangles: 1,276
SM_Barrel_Metal_TintLid_01 - Triangles: 444
SM_BenchLong_01 - Triangles: 488
SM_BenchShort_01 - Triangles: 488
SM_BucketMetal_01 - Triangles: 816
SM_FireAlarm_01 - Triangles: 476
SM_Ind_CageLight_01 - Triangles: 2,570
SM_Ind_CageLight_02 - Triangles: 2,742
SM_Ind_OverheadLight_01 - Triangles: 3,266
SM_Pallet_01 - Triangles: 396
SM_Retro_Dolly_01 - Triangles: 2,572
SM_Retro_FlashLight - Triangles: 4,863
SM_Retro_Hammer_01 - Triangles: 416
SM_A1PaintCan - Triangles: 540
SM_Retro_Toolbox_01 - Triangles: 608
SM_Retro_Toolbox_01_Lid - Triangles: 1,024
SM_Retro_Worktable_01 - Triangles: 1,188
SM_RetroFireExtinguisher_01 - Triangles: 1,535
SM_Tintable_GasCan - Triangles: 1,726
SM_Tintable_OilCan_01 - Triangles: 1,630
SM_SledgeHammer_01 - Triangles: 498
SM_WoodCrate_Med_Tint01 - Triangles: 1,384
SM_WoodCrate_Med_Lid_Tint01 - Triangles: 120
SM_WoodCrate_Small_Tint_01 - Triangles: 1,368
SM_WoodCrate_Sm_Lid_Tint_01 - Triangles: 390
SM_Wrench_01 - Triangles: 1,731