Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props
Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props Handy Hands Pack VR Hands Megapack | Props

Important : if you use 4.27 or UE5 then follow the tutorial in 4.26 and upgrade it to the newer version!

Video walkthrough on how to set-up!


Handy Hands - One of the biggest VR hands pack on the UE marketplace comes with 8 fully original AAA quality hands for use in any VR project. Sporting a wide array of hands for hundreds of applications this pack comes with:

  • A boxing glove
  • A robot hand
  • A male hand
  • A combat glove
  • A stylized hand
  • A winter glove
  • A gardening glove
  • A leather glove

Alongside that we've also included 42 other variation examples for you to use or customize however you see fit. We also included a nice fresnel shader for a 'ghost' hand effect.

One extra bonus we've included is several animation poses to help you on your way in various ways. This includes counting from 1-5 as well as:

  • Sword holding ✊
  • Trigger gun pose 👉
  • Bullhorns 🤘
  • Thumbs up 👍
  • Fist ✊

These hands are rigged using the unreal skeleton from the VR template project - so they're already set up to be dropped into any project, regardless of how far along you are. Need a hand for your prototype? No problem. Want to add a huge amount of new hands to an existing project? Even easier. Handy Hands aims to be the best place to get VR hands. 

If you guys have any requests for future hands please let us know and we'd be happy to try and make them for you!

Technical Details


  •  8 Unique Hands for VR
  •  Over 40 variations of hands in total
  •  Golden Variants!
  • Bind poses to get you started!

Video walkthrough on how to set-up!


Texture Sizes:

  •  2048-4096 

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes. Uses VR template hand rig.

Collision: All skeletal meshes have physics assets

Vertex Count: 4324 - 8804 tris

Number of Meshes: 8 Skeletal Meshes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 Materials, 49 Instances.

Number of Textures: 66

Supported Development Platforms: 4.15 +

Supported Target Build Platforms: 4.15 +