Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props
Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props Crystals | Props


10 different crystal materials with effects

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 10

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 38

Number of Textures: 30

Number of Particles: 10

Texture Resolutions: 1024/2048