Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music
Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music
Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music
Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music
Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music Orchestral Win and Lose Stingers | Music

Preview: https://soundcloud.com/unreal-music-maketplace/big-orchestral-win-and-fail-fanfare-pack-unreal-demo

A collection of short orchestral fanfares, perfect for win and lose situations, end levels, finisher, success, failures, bonus, etc. There is also a big "Ta Da" sound, in two variations (normal and dissonant) and two rising orchestral "clusters".

Technical Details

Number of Audio tracks: 20
Number of Audio Cues: 20
Sample rate \ bit rate: (i.e. 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs): 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVs
List of included tracks: 20
Does music\audio loop: Yes/No NO
How many sound FX: 0
How many minutes of audio provided: 2:03