Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments
Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments Landscape Smart Material | Environments

Apply the material instance to any landscapes. First layer will texture the entire landscape automatically. On top of that, you can also paint manually with other layers. All foliage is distributed procedurally using "Grass Tool" and "Procedural Foliage Spawner".

Note : Grass Tool does not support collision. (Rocks and small shrubs are placed using Grass Tool).

Note: Screenshots, videos and gifs might not reflect the latest changes. Need to talk? join our Discord or write an Email. Comments take longer to be answered.

Note: Water is created using Epic's free contents. Only used for demonstration.

How To Use

1) Apply the material instance to your landscape.

2) Navigate to the landscape painting tab and click on the + sign next to each layer and select "Weight-Blended".

3) Right click on the first layer and select "Fill Layer".


September Update: We have removed the 2D mist/cloud planes you see in the screenshots/videos/gifs. Instead, we have added actual 3D clouds with customized volumetric material. A) You can now walk through them. B) They will no longer disappear when you approach them. C) They no longer need to rotate towards the camera. D) Enable "Volumetrics" Plugin and restart the editor.


[Video 01]


• Auto Slope Material

• 64 Square Kilometers

• Surface Customization

• 1x1 Meters Vertex Density

• Procedurally Accumulated Snow

• Apply To Landscapes of Any Size

• Automatic whole landscape texturing

• Powerful Material Instance Parameters

• Ability to paint landscape layers manually

• Dampen landscape according to snow accumulation

• Distance Based Landscape Tessellation

• Heightmap Based Layer Blending

• Custom plug and play functions

- Distance Tessellation

- Displacement Fade

- Distance Fade

- Mask Modifier

- Panner Water

- Cloud Panner

- Colorizer

- Mixer

• Dynamic Cloud Shadows

• Ground Cover

• Grass Types

Technical Details

PBR: Yes

Textures: Up to 8K

Supported Platform: Windows 64-bit

Target Platform: Windows 64-bit

Documentation: No

[15] Material Function

[24] Material Instance

[1] Landscape

[50] Texture

[13] Material

[24] Mesh

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