XHoverCar | Code Plugins
XHoverCar | Code Plugins
XHoverCar | Code Plugins
XHoverCar | Code Plugins
XHoverCar | Code Plugins
XHoverCar | Code Plugins XHoverCar | Code Plugins XHoverCar | Code Plugins XHoverCar | Code Plugins XHoverCar | Code Plugins

XHoverCar - plugin that will add hovercars to your game. You can customize hovercars. Full multiplayer support. The hovercars is very easy to customize, there are many customizations to help you create the hovercar you want. The plugin is written entirely in C++. There is a demo project that will help you learn how to use and understand how it works.

Video: https://youtu.be/l9k3NRAJ0Vc

AI Example in UE5.1: https://youtu.be/3hsgvD5vc1c

Technical Details


  • Written entirely in C++.
  • Well optimized.
  • Very easy setup.
  • Many customizations to create the hovercar you want.
  • Full multiplayer support.
  • There is a demo project that shows how the plugin works.
  • You can adjust the speed, gravity, turns, most functions are performed automatically.
  • Complete documentation on how to use the plugin.

Code Modules:

  •  XHoverCar (Runtime)

Number of Physical Materials: 1

Number of C++ Classes: 3

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms: (Win64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Win64)

Documentation: open

Demo Project: [4.25: download] [4.26: download] [4.27: download] [5.0-5.1: GitHub]

Test Game Build for Win64: download

Support: dexied.gs@gmail.com / discord