Recoil Pattern Master | Code Plugins
Recoil Pattern Master | Code Plugins
Recoil Pattern Master | Code Plugins Recoil Pattern Master | Code Plugins


Tool for easy creating recoil patterns

Support: DISCORD

V2 update:

Now you can create your DataTable anywhere, just create a data table from RPM_DTStruct with a name starting with "RPM_". Now, before opening the RPM window, simply select this table in the content browser. Pls use custom DataTables so as not to lose data when updating.



Example setup

Technical Details


  •    create new patterns
  •    edit patterns
  •    delete patterns

Code Modules:

  •    RPM (Editor)
  •    RPM_Runtime (Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 7

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: Editor Only

Supported Development Platforms: All

Supported Target Build Platforms: Editor Only

Documentation: Link

Important/Additional Notes: Example included