Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins
Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins
Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins
Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins
Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins
Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins Pie Menus Plugin | Code Plugins

This plugin adds a set of radial menus in editor. Pie menu is canonical UI element across many 3d softwares, instead of memorizing tons of hotkeys you store actions in gestures! This implementation of radial menus supports nesting with forward menu propagation. Menu entries are evenly distributed in a circle.

* This plugin works only in level editor viewport now!

* Python menu is the only one you will be able to customize for now!

Please join discord server for live feedback, support and features requests!

Check out animated gifs in documentation!

Technical Details


  • Modes radial menu
  • Shading radial menu
  • View type radial menu
  • Python radial menu (Optional. If PythonScriptPlugin is enabled)
  • User defined menu entries for python menu (Just put scripts in special locations)
  • Shortcuts can be reassigned

Code Modules:

  •  EditorPieMenus (Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 6

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

Documentation: https://github.com/IlgarLunin/UE4PieMenuPlugin-docs

Support: https://discord.gg/yBsVaBX