Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins
Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins Advance Spline Tool | Code Plugins

Are you exhausted with how you create spline in Unreal Engine, then this is the perfect tool for you, you can easily click around and have your spline like any other software.

You can create splines, freehand spline, you can insert points by just clicking where you want an extra point, you can move points like a paintbrush with falloff, you can resample the spline you have already created.

Technical Details


  •  Create Spline
  •  Create Freehand Spline
  •  Insert point between
  • Move points with falloff
  • Resample Splines

Code Modules:

  • CoreUObject
  • Engine
  • Slate
  • SlateCore
  • InputCore
  • UnrealEd
  • LevelEditor
  • PropertyEditor
  • EditorStyle
  • Projects
  • ComponentVisualizers

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 6

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Win64, Win32, Mac, IOS, Android, PS4, XboxOne, Switch

Supported Target Build Platforms:

Win64, Win32, Mac, IOS, Android, PS4, XboxOne, Switch


To access the plugin's functionality in the UE editor go to Modes and select Advance Spline Tool