Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters
Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters Set of Cartoon Tanks | Characters

8 unique 3D models of tanks in the cartoon style and 16 animations for them. There is also a model of a battle tower and a bunker.

video simple tactics game


You may also be interested in the package "Set of Cartoon Warships" or "Set Of Cartoon Aircraft"

Animation Tank:

- Idle 1,2,3

- Move Forward-Back

- Turn Right - Left

- Hit 1,2,3,4,5

- Dead 1,2,3,4

- Shot

Animation Bunker and Tower:

- Idle

- Dead

Technical Details


  •  8 models of tanks on the subject of WW2.
  •  3D models of battle tower and bunker, trees and antitank blocks.
  •  For each unit a set of 3 textures.
  • Materials and textures are two types of PBR 2048x2048 and Mobile 1024x1024.
  • Each model has only 900 - 1100 Vertex, Good for performance of your games!
  • Added new unit "Ship" from the future set "Set of Cartoon Ships"
  • Added a new unit aircraft BF-109 from the future set "Set of Cartoon Aircraft"
  • Added a new texture set.
  • Added an example of how to use adaptive animation of tanks in BluePrint.
  • Added Demo Simple Tactics Game in BluePrint.
  • Added the ability to change the color of tanks or add any texture.

Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes)

Rigged: (Yes)

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (No)

Animated: (Yes)

Number of characters: 10

Vertex counts of characters: 900 - 1100

Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048 or 1024x1024

Number of Animations: 16

Animation types (Placed)

Supported Development Platforms: (Desktop PC / MAC / Xbox1 / PS4 / Mobile)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Desktop PC / MAC / Xbox1 / PS4 / Mobile)

Documentation: (None)