Stylized character - Okiku
Constains 11 animation.
2 Different color materials.
Preview of "Okiku - Stylized Character" asset
- idle
- jump_start
- jump_air
- jump_land
- jump_land_run
- run_f
- run_fl
- run_fr
- walk_f
- walk_fl
- walk_fr
Technical Details
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Character Blueprint included: Yes
Number of Characters: 1
Number of Modular parts: 14
Vertex Count (Set 1): 11,696
Triangle Count (Set 1): 22,788
Vertex Count (Set 2): 11,294
Triangle Count (Set 2): 21,828
Vertex Count (Full Set Character): 18,518
Triangle Count (Full Set Character): 35,966
Texture Resolutions:
- body, legs, face, hair, cloths - 2048x2048
- eyes - 512x512
Number of Textures: 54
Number of Animations: 11
Intended Platform: Windows
Platforms Tested: Windows
Documentation: No
Important/Additional Notes: No