video review: YouTube
video review: YouTube part 2
Modular model of the Russian soldier. You can easily customize this character in the materials. The weapon does not have a animations. Groom hair can be independently customized to your taste in his settings, for this you need to enable the groom plugins.
Technical Details
Technical Details
- character: 17 materials and 9 material instance (for all parts and skins)
- character: 69 textures (for full parts)
- weapon: 9 materials (for all parts)
- weapon: 27 textures (for all parts)
- 4 variation head textures
- rigged weapon
- realistic eyes material
- EXTRA BONES: eyes bones / ear bones / lips / jawbone
- morph target for livelink
- Rigged using Epic Skeleton (UE4 and UE5)
- Tested with the Basic Animation Pack
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes, 8 standard animations
LOD: Yes (LOD0 - LOD4 auto generated for all parts)
Number of characters: 1
Number of weapon: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 18k Vertices / 35k Triangles
Vertex counts of weapon: 43k Vertices / 82k Triangles
Texture Resolutions: 512 - 4096
Number of Animations: 8
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Documentation: None