Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints
Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints
Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints
Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints
Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints
Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints Useful RTS Camera | Blueprints

RTS Camera with Cursor and Scroll Widgets for your RTS project.


Update 1.1

Update 1.1

  • Added Cursor and New Scrolls widget textures.

ProMaxx Studio Characters

Technical Details


  • Movement
  • Rotation
  • Original Zoom (5 steps)
  • Cursor and Scrolls Widgets on the Edges
  • Rect Select Frame
  • Simple AI Movement Inside
  • Customizable
  • Network Replicated

Number of Blueprints: 5

Number of Widgets: 9

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Link