Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints
Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints Universal AI Spawner | Blueprints

Use Universal AI Spawner for AI spawn:

  1. To fill the AI level.
  2. To create a Wave system.
  3. Spawn start by timer, by trigger, by event.

Adapted for multiplayer.


ProMaxx Studio Characters

Technical Details


  • Adjust the size of the area.
  • You can use it for a simple spawn, or you can create a Wave System for your game.
  • You can place an unlimited number of spawners on the stage and use each one in different ways.
  • Using a stream for a fixed placement result or changing positions to appear.
  • Setting the maximum angle of appearance for inclined surfaces.
  • Selecting objects to ignore. Spawn will not occur on these actors.
  • The angle of rotation for AI when spawning. Suitable for creating a Wave System Game.
  • The ability to respawn AI: limits on each Pawn class or unlimited respawn.
  • You can call a spawner using a trigger or a reference to a spawn event. Or a delayed start-timer.
  • Multiplayer. Network Replicated.
  • It can work with or without a behaviour tree.

Number of Blueprints: 9

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: Link