Ultimate RTS Camera | Blueprints
Ultimate RTS Camera | Blueprints
Ultimate RTS Camera | Blueprints Ultimate RTS Camera | Blueprints

Words don't always portray what your buying, download the demo and get a real feel for how this functions. (144mb)

UE 5.0. Updated for the new Enhanced Input Plugin.

Watch the 5.0 QuickStart / Overview Video Here

UE 5.2 - EnhancedInput is now the default, so this pack works with zero setup. Just add, open the demo level, and play!

Ultimate RTS Camera is a full featured camera system for RTS style games. It supports dynamic detection between keyboard and gamepad, with full support for each. It also includes mobile support, including drag, pinch and zoom, and 2 finger rotate. The system stems from a character and is fully replicated. The focus for this project was smooth clean movements, with nice interpolations between any input or jumps.

  • Lots of options to tweak and customise
  • Blueprints fully commented and variables organised
  • Easy to extend of sub-class
  • Jump to Actor, with follow-cam, via interface or simple function
  • Locked or interruptible actions depending on needs.
  • Predefined sphere trace returning the info you need.
  • Free rotate, fixed rotate, and incremental rotates.
  • Custom camera interpenetration system


How to merge the Input Mappings for UE4

Watch the Overview video for UE4

Technical Details


  •  Mouse and Keyboard + Gamepad support, with dynamic switching UI based on last input
  •  Mobile Support
  •  Replication
  • Smooth, clean movements and rotations
  • Enhanced Input Plugin Support (UE5.0+)

Number of Blueprints: 5

Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse, Touch (text file with Input Mappings included)

Network Replicated: (Yes)

Supported Development Platforms: (PC, Mac, Linux)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Should work on all platforms)