Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints
Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints Survival Combat and AI | Blueprints

Notice : There are 2 version file in this asset, 4.25 and 5.0 version. It is difficult to update 2 version at same time.

So, I am going to update 5.0 version only. I want to delete 4.25 version in the future. If you don't want to delete 4.25,

please let me know.

Overview :

Tutorial : Link

UE5 Update :

  • compatible patch has been updated too

Demo : Link

Change enemy mesh : Link


Epic does not allow to include third party free asset, So I delete asset below. you should add asset below to your project.

This asset was 1.3gb, "ANIMAL VARIETY PACK" x 2 = 1Gb, I removed this asset, so this asset is 140mb x 2

Please don't worry, functionality is same.

*Setup : Link you should download this asset first then download survivlal combat and aI

If you see gray foot print effect, Please add "starter content". If there is still gray foot print effect after this, please let me know. thanks.

Press 1 : unequip

Press 2 : Bow

Press 3 : Sword

Middle Boss Enemy Update 1 :

Update 2 :

  1. Lock on mode
  2. Looting from enemy
  3. Looting Key : E Key
  4. Spawn Niagara Effect node
  5. Simple Health bar
  6. Dead Screen

Update 3 :

  1. Leg IK
  2. Swimming locomotion
  3. Falling Damage
  4. 20 weapon template ready

New Style Lock On :

Update 4 :

  1. Footprint, Foot sound, Foot effect
  2. More detailed Sniper Rifle script
  3. More detailed Rifle script
  4. More detailed Shotgun script
  5. Become more flexible weapons.
  • Different combo count with different weapon.
  • Different combo count with same weapon for different character.
  • Different sound, effect, camera shake, animation for each weapon.

6. Niagara spawn function is ready.

7. Different footprint decal, foot sound, foot effect with physics materials.

Update 5 :

  1. Weapon animation
  2. Weapon locomotion
  3. Weapon effect
  4. Torch
  5. Weapon system upgrade

Before start update 6, you need preparation :

Preparation for Shotgun :

Preparation for Grenade :

Update 6 :

1. Frozen shot

2. When use grenade launcher, enemy can't guard.

3. Bullet and Grenade launcher work for pvp.

4. Grenade launcher projectile path.

5. Different damage with different ammo.

6. Penetration shot.

Physics :

Update 7 :

  1. Vaulting, Ladder, Gliding, Flying
  2. Projectile path of Grenade launcher
  3. Magic attack

Update 8 :

  1. Zip Line
  2. Rope
  3. Wall Climbing
  4. Kick
  5. Dash
  6. Crouch

Setting for gun :

Missing setting :

Update 9 :

  1. Archer will close to you when something blocking.
  2. Wall run
  3. Jump Board

Compatible with HudKit :

This asset is a blueprint that implements enemy AI that is good for survival games. Enemy action close attack, distant attack. Enemies' Health was implemented, and enemies were also implemented to attack. Enemies can see, listen and when they see, they attack. Animals run away when they see player. Blueprint works just by laying nav mesh on your scene and dragging and dropping enemy blueprint.

  1. Main asset of this product is blueprint about enemy AI.
  2. You can change mesh and animation of enemy.
  3. This asset support multi play game.

Technical Details


  • Support Multiplay
  • Enemy Spawner
  • Wolf attack you
  • Archer
  • Melee Enemy
  • Enemy can listen, see and have hit reaction.
  • Survival simple combat system.
  • Stealth kill
  • Counter Attack
  • Parrying
  • Middle Boss Enemy
  • Lock on mode
  • loot from enemy
  • Dead screen
  • Simple health bar

Number of Blueprints: 16

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: Link

Important/Additional Notes: No