Shadow Strike Ability | Blueprints
Shadow Strike Ability | Blueprints
Shadow Strike Ability | Blueprints
Shadow Strike Ability | Blueprints Shadow Strike Ability | Blueprints Shadow Strike Ability | Blueprints

Shadow Strike Ability From the Middle Earth Games.

Showcase for the Project is available here.

This is supposed to be used as a base project. Migrating files might not work.

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You can Download the Demo here:

Technical Details

Additional Items Included:

  •  10 Animations (4 Execution & 4 Executed, 1 Dash, 1 Arrive)
  •  Sword Mesh

Number of Blueprints: 19

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No

Documentation: Please join the Discord for verification and Documentation!