Quiz Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
Quiz Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
Quiz Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
Quiz Game Starter Kit | Blueprints Quiz Game Starter Kit | Blueprints Quiz Game Starter Kit | Blueprints

A custom made, Quiz Game Starter Kit, done 100% in Blueprints and UMG.

Inspired by the trivia/question based TV show "Millionaire"

Technical Details


  • Randomly selects questions from a database
  • Mouse and Touch Screen UI (tested on Android)
  • Convenient to add more questions
  • Settings for Force Feedback and Sound

NOTE: This is a template where you add your own questions, the included ones are for demo purposes.

Video 1 - UE4 Editor recording that shows the features

Video 2 - Actual footage of it running on a mobile device


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Playable Demo

Number of Blueprints: ~15

Input: Mouse/Touch

Network Replicated: No

VR: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mobile (tested on Android)
