Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints
Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints Multiplayer Survival Game Template | Blueprints

Check out my newest products, Quest Map Pro and Spline Based Blocking and Trigger Volume!

Quest Map Pro is a fully-featured and complete solution for all your in-game navigation needs, including a versatile world map, mini map, compass, dynamic waypoints and quest markers, in world navigation trail, and much, much more!
Spline Based Blocking and Trigger Volumes allow you to use splines to create non-standard shaped blocking volumes, invisible walls and triggers.

Multiplayer Survival Game Template

Preview Video

This 100% blueprint powered template has everything you need to get your survival game up and running with full multiplayer support.

Packed with all the standard survival mechanics, as well as some more exotic ones, the template is easy to configure, extend and learn. Mechanics are modular so you can drop anything you don't need to.

Including systems to manage hunger, thirst, time of day, temperature, health, oxygen, blood, stamina, and more. You will be able to give your players the survival challenge of a life time! Includes an extensive GUI inventory with support for randomized loot, chests, item cooldowns and more.

A list of tutorials regarding integrating other assets into the template is available via this YouTube playlist.

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(Orbital Market is a fast search engine for the Unreal marketplace)

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 99 (including examples)

Network Replicated: Yes

List of Features: Dynamic time of day/world temperature cycle, player statistics (health, blood, hunger, thirst, stamina, oxygen, power, body temperature, toxicity/poison), multiple camera modes, movement mechanics, flashlight, main menu and session browser framework, and much, much more!

Engine Compatibility: 4.13+ (note: 4.25 and onwards still receiving bugfix updates, older versions are still available but will not be updated)

Intended Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux

Plaforms Tested: Windows, Mac, Linux

Supported Platforms: Windows, Mac

Important/Additional Notes: This is intended to be a starting point for new projects. It is possible to merge this with pre-existing projects, but as it uses logic in the Controller/Character/Gamemode/Gamestate classes, it will take some time.

All blueprints extensively commented for learning.

This system works in single and multiplayer projects. The template can be adapted to other viewpoints with some work.

If you have any questions regarding this product, please reach out to me via prior to purchase! Cheers.