FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints
FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints FPS Template | Blueprints


Preview v1.1(Updated)

Preview v1.2(Updated)

Preview v1.5(Updated)

Preview v1.6(Updated)

Preview v1.7



Tutorial Integration with lyra

Tutorial How to change character mesh

Tutorial How to change animation(FPS Upper)

FPS Template Is our take on the full-body fps template that unreal provides you with as a template project. We have taken it upon ourselves to upgrade, rework and re-imagine this template to provide you with a more polished and more feature-filled template.

In the next version it will be integrated with Lyra starter game.

Technical Details

100% Blueprints


  • Full-body support
  • Procedural look
  • Procedural sway
  • Crouch
  • Jump
  • Turn In Place
  • Linked Animation Layers - Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun


Number of Blueprints: 21

Input: Keyboard and Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Email: devunrealgame@gmail.com

Important/Additional Notes:

FPS template uses the following plugins: ModelingToolsEditorMode, AnimationWarping, AnimationLocomotionLibrary