FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints
FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints FPS Game Starter Kit | Blueprints

A custom made FPS game starting template, using 100% Blueprints. The idea behind this pack is to provide a starting template that has many standard features for a first person shooter game already built-in (ADS, sprint, weapon examples, basic inventory, etc.). Everything is commented and split into categories.

Showcase Video



Playable Demo

Current version - 2.9

(For a full change log, click here)

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  • Camera switching for FPS and TPS perspectives
  • AnimBP's set up for both perspectives
  • Camera shake and gamepad vibration feedback
  • Aiming down sights, sprinting, crouching and other common features
  • Movement tweaks and overrides (cancel sprinting when firing, walk slower while aiming, etc.)
  • Weapon System (weapons are child actors from 1 master class)
  • UT_Inventory
  • Templates for different types of weapons: rifle, launcher, shotgun, pistol, sniper, etc.
  • Minimap
  • Melee
  • Bullet impacts and effects (bullets are projectile based, but a hitscan option is available too)
  • Surface Types
  • Pickups
  • Swimming
  • In-game currency
  • Vending Machines
  • Basic AI (more examples available on the website)
  • Bonus Blueprints for faster level prototyping (ladder, elevator, etc.)
  • Persistent settings menu with key bindings
  • Exclusive FPP animations for rifle, pistol and melee weapon
  • UE5 version has both old and new skeletons

SP Only:

  • Save & Loading
  • Objective System

MP Only:

  • Team Deathmatch
  • Free-For-All

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 50

Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad

Network Replicated: Yes/No

By default it's single player (campaign mode), however an optional bonus multiplayer mode has been added that contains TDM and FFA modes. Please download the playable demo if you wish to try it out.

VR/Mobile: No (although ports are possible, see website tutorials)

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows, Mac and Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows, Mac, Linux

