Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints
Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints
Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints
Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints
Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints Easy Map and Navigation System | Blueprints

Easy Map and Navigation System contains Compass Minimap with AI and follow marker with follow path showing , worldmap, 3d pointer(for rough terrain also), 3d widget etc.

Showcase Video , Tutorial Video / Discord Support / Documentation

Some amazing Tool is uses from YOUR SANDBOX's tutorials, shoutout to YOUR SANDBOX

Technical Details


  •  Compass with directions and way pointer
  • Minimap with AI and follow marker with follow path
  •  Worldmap in which you can set waypoint
  •  3d pointer with distance
  • 3d follow path also for rough terrain

Number of Blueprints: 13

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tswhmnKvPd9-azX4I90aXx_kf7njfkUuWM70AliybBY/edit?usp=sharing