Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints
Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints Easy Clicker Template | Blueprints

Easy Clicker Template was designed to be blueprint only, easy use, memory efficient and a great starting point for anyone wishing to create a finished product with ease.

This is done by the use of a template easy to modify, you can modify or add new items in seconds, designed to create your own clicker game for android or pc.

Technical Details

Watch trailer: https://youtu.be/_GiUTuDDLIg


  • NEW UE5 version available.
  • Animated intro and interface
  • Currency counter with transition.
  • Rain and river of wealth.
  • Interface sounds (buttons, powers).
  • Items store.
  • Easy modification and creation of new Items.
  • Easily Modifiable interface.
  • Notification system for new items + activity log.
  • Power notification system
  • Progressive improvement system.
  • Information on the characteristics of the item.
  • Easy editing on UE4.
  • Save reset button for tests.
  • Independent widgets, integration by modules.
  • Vertical and horizontal template.
  • Pop-up to claim the coins generated when you were inactive.
  • Automatic item list generator based on the data table list.
  • Level system and skill progression.

Number of Blueprints: 50*

Sounds: 13

Interface textures: 23

Items icons: 16

Font: Kenvector future thin Font - Licence CC0

Input: Mobile Touch and left click mouse.

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Android, Pc

Supported Target Build Platforms: Android, Pc

Documentation English / Spanish UPDATED 2022

Important/Additional Notes: None