Dynamic Explosions | Blueprints
Dynamic Explosions | Blueprints
Dynamic Explosions | Blueprints
Dynamic Explosions | Blueprints Dynamic Explosions | Blueprints Dynamic Explosions | Blueprints

DEMONSTRATION VIDEO: https://youtu.be/LCAhN2lhAlo

PLAYABLE DEMO: Google Drive Link

A Blueprint Actor which simulates explosions into environments expanding the flames and avoiding obstacles.

The demo environment provides a learning field and has beign set to speed up the understanding of the process through meticulously written comments and notes.

Technical Details


  •  Dynamic explosion system which calculates the expansion of the explosion through environments
  •  Completely done in Blueprints
  •  Easily expandable and adaptable to your own project
  • Particle system can be changed at pleasure

Number of Blueprints: 8

Input: Keyboard, Mouse

Network Replicated: Not tested

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Documentation: Blueprints are fully commented and meticulously explained https://youtu.be/LCAhN2lhAlo

Support: info@heavycoatgames.com