Customizable GPS | Blueprints
Customizable GPS | Blueprints
Customizable GPS | Blueprints
Customizable GPS | Blueprints
Customizable GPS | Blueprints
Customizable GPS | Blueprints Customizable GPS | Blueprints Customizable GPS | Blueprints Customizable GPS | Blueprints Customizable GPS | Blueprints



Customizable GPS is a project that gives you a lot of features.

You will be able to easily place and customize as many GPS locations as you want, which will appear in a specific menu. Then, you will be able to click on a location and the GPS will show you the shortest way there, all this at runtime!

Technical Details


  •  GPS bypasses walls, goes up stairs, etc., all that at runtime
  •  All elements of the GPS are fully customizable
  •  The blueprint code is very clean and fully explained
  • Includes GPS sound
  • All is very easy to set up!

Number of Blueprints: 7

Input: WASD to move and M to open Menu

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: No