Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints
Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints Competitive Shooter HUD Action Bars Only | Blueprints

[Free Demo]



This system is a part-piece of the competitive shooter HUD. It consists of fully animated and fully customizable health bar, armor bar, weapon bar and action bar, which can be fully controlled by blueprint nodes via a context-sensitive Manager Function.

Technical Details


  • Health Bar
  • Armor Bar
  • Weapon Bar
  • Action Bar
  • Additional: 17 Weapon Flat-Icons in 3 sizes (256x256, 64x64, 200x80)
  • Additional: Over 90 Generic and controller icons, mostly in 2 sizes (256x256, 64x64)

All features are customizable in color and other parameters.

Number of Blueprints: 26

Number of Widgets: 27

Number of Textures: 287

Number of Materials: 11

Network replicated: No, HUD & Widget classes are completely clientside

Supported Development Platforms: Win / Mac (others not tested yet)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win / Mac (others not tested yet)


This system is purely cosmetic (UI / HUD) and does not replace the implementation of a gameplay system. Before you purchase, please make sure you are familiar with using blueprints to handle your gameplay together with this asset.