Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints
Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints
Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints
Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints
Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints
Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints
Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints Clean me up Scotty Automatic project organizing tool | Blueprints

Context menu + Editor Utility widget

  • Cleanup: Move all assets in appropriate folders. For Example, all Blueprints will be moved to a folder called Blueprints
  • Add Prefixes: Automatically add prefixes to all your assets according to your own, or the official UE4 naming convention (Textures with T_, Materials with M_, Material Instances with MI_ ...)
  • Remove unused assets: Remove all unused assets in a specified folder/project. An unused asset is defined by its references. Please read the documentation for further information.
  • Lock folders: For example, if you want to keep assets you are not using yet, but planning to use in the future
  • Set sRGB colors on all textures matching the specified pattern (_ORM, _Metallic, etc.)
  • Delete empty folders: Especially useful after running the cleanup function. Locked folders will be ignored
  • Batch rename files matching the defined pattern and update all of their dependencies.

Update 2

  • Find Textures that are not power of 2 (for mobile and Quest optimizations)
  • Cleanup World outliner
  • Remove empty Actors

Update 3 (Version 4.23+, older versions have 2.0)

  • New UI
  • Automatic mode (Automatically add prefixes to imported assets & puts them in the right folder. You don´t need to click a single button, everything is fully automated!

Technical Details

All Nodes and functions are layout in a clean way (no pun intended). This way you can easily adjust them if you need to.

Widget Utility + Context menu directly integrated into the Unreal UI

V03 Walkthrough

In 4.23+ We switched to the new editor utility widget.

Updates will all be 4.23+ from now on!

Video Examples:


Delete empty folders, set sRGB values and add prefixes to all assets

Remove unused assets

Want to learn how to do this yourself? Watch our Udemy Course about this tool

Important/Additional Notes: Depending of your chosen settings this tool can heavily impact the structure of your project. Be sure to always save a copy of it before applying any operations. The author of this tool can not be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of this tool. Always use Soure Control like Git for your projects!