Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations
Superhero Flight Animations | Animations Superhero Flight Animations | Animations Superhero Flight Animations | Animations Superhero Flight Animations | Animations Superhero Flight Animations | Animations Superhero Flight Animations | Animations Superhero Flight Animations | Animations


Compatible with Unreal Engine 5 mannequins!

It does not support new features such as UE5 control rigs.

Video Preview :

Includes 5 hover mode and fast flight mode animations.

Includes third person character Blueprint, Animation Blueprint, some blend spaces, and some simple VFX.

Blueprints are network compatible.

VFX uses physics materials to spawn 5 types.

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints : 24 ( Character, Component, AnimNotify, CameraShake, GameMode, and Widget )

Maps : 3 ( OpenWorldMap, OverviewMap, TutorialMap )

Input : Gamepad and Keyboard

Network Replicated : Yes

The character Scaled to Epic skeleton : Yes

Rigged : Yes

The character Rigged to Epic skeleton : Yes

Animated : Yes

Number of character animations : 50 + 80 additive pose

Number of Effects : 16

Animation types : In place

Intended Platform : All

Platform Tested : Windows

Documentation : No