Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations
Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations Assets Powerful Sword Pack | Animations

[View Promotion video]

[View Unreal Engine shot - Katana]

[View Unreal Engine shot - Great Sword]


A game using my animation pack has been released and introduced.

The game title is : The Devil Within: Satgat

Please look forward to this game.


Ver 1.92  (2023.04.28)

> Fixed "_NewSkel" folder root axis bug.

Ver 1.91 (2022.12.20)

> UE 5.1 support

Ver 1.9 (2022.08.17)

> The weapon ik is perfectly attached.

> +45 add Motions.

> Bug Fix.

Ver 1.8 (2022.06.21)

> +10 Add Motions : Crouch A , B To Idle A , B

Ver 1.73 (2022.05.20)

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.72 (2022.05.10)

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.71 (2022.04.29)

> Unreal Engine 5 Support

> Added weapon modeling (Katana, GreatSword)

Ver 1.7 (2022.02.17)

 > Turn in place 90º, 180º degrees Root bone is applied in the same way as character rotation.

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.6 (2022.01.17) [video]

> 174 Add Animations

- Add Turn in place 90 degrees.

- Add Katana 'Idle To Move'.

> Bug Fix

Ver 1.5 (2021.11.06) [video]

> 124 Add Animations

- Add 8-Way Crouch Animations

- Jump Block(Guard)

- Idle turn

- Jog L90_vol2 / R90_vol2

- Walk L90 / R90

> Bug Fix

- GreatSword Skill_G Root fix

Ver 1.442 (2021.07.06)

- Fixed foot positions in Walk animations.

- Walk to Idle additionally produced as A and B types(Add 2 Animations)

> Before : 2 Animations   (Walk_To_Idle A / Walk_To_Idle B)

> After : 4 Animations   (Walk_A_To_Idle_A / Walk_A_To_Idle_B)

   (Walk_B_To_Idle_A / Walk_B_To_Idle_B)

- Wrote the animation folder numbering in the overview map to make it easier to see.

Ver 1.441 (2021.06.21)

- Bug Fix.

Ver 1.44 (2021.05.19 / 2021.06.08) [Video Link]

- Create 132 animations for Turn in Place for each character class. (Root Motion+Inplace)

(Idle A/B ←→ Walk A/B ←→ Jog A/B ←→ Run A/B....etc.....)

- Bug Fix.

Ver 1.431 (2021.05.05) 

- Sort folders by all animation categories.

Ver 1.43 (2021.04.14)

- New added GreatSword 'Idle to Movement Set(+ 12 Animations)'

(Walk/Jog/Run - 2 Types)

Ver 1.42 (2021.04.11) [Video Link]

- New added 7 kinds of running motion associated with Katana_Idle_ver_A. (Run_ver_A)

  Change the existing 'Run' to 'Run_ver_B'

- New added 4 kinds of 'Idle to walk Type A/ B'

- Added ZeroHeight XYZ axis '0(zero)'

Ver 1.41 (2021.03.31)

- Corrected all X-axis problems.

- ZeroHeight & Inplace to move the Z axis.


This package provides character animation for RPG / Roguelike production.

Great Sword, Katana Animation consists of about 933 kinds of key animations.

Contact :

[View detailed animation states]

The all animation contains.(Katana + GreatSword)

  • Total : 933

  • Intro : 2
  • Movement : 174
  • Movement RootMotion : 137
  • Turn in place RootMotion : 124
  • Turn in place Inplace : 124
  • Crouch RootMotion : 46
  • Crouch Inplace : 46
  • Skills : 26
  • Attack : 45
  • Attack Inplace : 34
  • Jump Attack : 10
  • Jump Block(Guard) RootMotion/Inplace : 2
  • Count Attack(Revenge_Guard) : 12
  • Damage : 45
  • KnockDown : 36
  • Dodge : 10
  • ZeroHeight : 40
  • Injured : 7
  • Injured RootMotion : 7
  • Attach Motion(In the Air_Combo) : 6

Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • This one pack has all the character animations you need for the game. (8Way / RootMotion / Lots of Attacks and Skills / Air Attacks / Damages / Lots of Others.)
  •  Motion with Jump / Double Jump / JumpAttack motion added Root up and down motion + Zeroheight.
  •  No need to re-target animations if using the default Unreal Mannequin.
  •  Movement(Walk/Run/Jogging) provides both root motion and in-place.

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)

Number of Animations: 933 Motions

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Root Motion + In-place

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)